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Discover a superior solution to improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities and look years younger with LUMECCA IPL by InMode

Are you frustrated by skin blemished and age spots that cover your face, neck or hands? Do you aim for a brighter, clearer, more even complexion? Treat age spots & sun damage with Lumecca IPL. Lumecca IPL has been optimized to treat different types of skin lesions in faster and more effective ways with fewer treatment sessions. After just a single treatment session, you will see noticeable improvements in your skin clarity and complexion.

What Sets Lumecca IPL Technology Apart?
  • Low number of treatment sessions for optimal results
  • High rate of pulse repetition for maximum effect
  • Larger areas of the skin can be treated in a shorter time
  • The unique sapphire tip of the Lumecca device provides a soothing cool sensation to keep you comfortable
  • No downtime and no significant post-op redness or peeling
  • Deeper, more natural and longer lasting results

Common skin problems that can be addressed with Lumecca IPL:

  • Ages spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Vascular lesions such as spider veins and poikiloderma
  • Rosacea (conspicuous redness)
  • Freckles
  • Sun damage

Spot Treatment $100 per treatment

Pricing varies per area

FAQ About Lumecca IPL

  • Treatment takes approximately 20 minutes
  • Immediately after the skin will feel warm - like a sunburn and fade over 24-48 hours which can be lessened by medical skin care
  • Skin will be pink/red and the lesions will appear darker, this will fade over 5-7 days
  • Makeup can be applied immediately after treatment
  • Use SPF 30+ and stay out of the sun for 48-72 hrs
  • Avoid use of hot tubs, saunas, sun exposure, vigorous exercise for 72 hrs.

Yes! Not only will the Lumecca IPL help with acne discoloration, but it also kills surface bacteria and decreases pore size helping to minimize trapping of oil.

Yes, as long as you have parental consent and there are no medical limiting factors. 


If you are interested in brighter, clearer, more even complexion? The team at Bona Vie Med Spa want to help you look your best. Let’s start working together today. Request your consultation or call us at (208) 529-5945 to book your appointment.

Results Vary

Following your first Lumecca IPL treatment session, within a few days you can see noticeable improvement in your skin complexion and a diminishing of sun damage. Over the next few weeks, your skin will continue to become smoother and more youthful looking.

Minor imperfections will fade away and the skin will appear bright and radiant over time. The final results will improve further with multiple IPL photofacial treatments. For the treatment of tiny spider veins in the face, you can expect to see visible improvement in about two weeks.